NTNU (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)

The foundations of NTNU lie in the founding of the Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters in 1760, leading to the formation of Norway’s oldest library, the Gunnerus Library. Following the growth in many disciplines over decades, the University of Trondheim was founded in 1968, consisting of the General Science College and the Norwegian Institute of Technology, both retaining a high degree of autonomy within this structure. The university became NTNU in 1996, now also including the Department of Medicine as one of its faculties. In 2014 the psychologists May Britt Moser and Edvard Moser were awarded the first Nobel prizes (Physiology or Medicine) to NTNU researchers for their contributions in neuroscience.

Today, NTNU is Norway’s largest university with approximately 44,000 students across 55 departments. Its main campus is in Trondheim, with campuses also in Ålesund and Gjøvik..

Source: About the university - NTNU

ImpressumUniversity of Zurich