
We advise you book accommodation early through your favourite hotel search engines by searching for hotels in Bloomsbury.

There are a variety of hotels close by to choose from. They include The Tavistock Hotel which is very close and good value for money.

Another good option is the Goodenough College which is an unusual and very nice hotel offering good value for money. The Goodenough on Mecklenburgh Square is 0.5 mile far from the conference venue. It provides 4-star accommodation, a restaurant, a bar/lounge and a coffee shop/café. WiFi in public areas is free. Other amenities include laundry facilities, a 24-hour front desk and a garden.

Address: 23 Mecklenburgh Square, London WC1N 2AD

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7837 8831

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ImpressumUniversity of Zurich